An art book lover’s dream

One of the best-known prizes for visual arts in the world, the Turner Prize 2019 is taking place at the Turner Contemporary Gallery in Margate. Every other year, the prize leaves Tate Britain and is presented at a venue outside London. The exhibition will be running from September 2019 to January 2020.

The Old Bank Bookshop in Margate is an art book lover’s dream. With shelves packed with all genres, fiction, non-fiction, classics, vintage and much more, all at amazing prices. With more than 3,000 books in stock at any time, there’s bound to be something to suit your taste.

To coincide with the Turner Prize, The Old Bank Bookshop will be embracing this prestigious event being held in Margate by creating its own arts festival of paintings, prints and, books; an eclectic collection of modern, post-modern and traditional themes for a wide variety of subjects.

We have the most amazing selection of beautiful art books to suit all tastes.

Gavin, Pilgrims Retail

Gavin Fox, The Old Bank Bookshop manager told us: “This is an ambitious arts project; which we hope will create lots of interest from visitors to the Turner Prize exhibition who would also enjoy viewing some of our beautiful arts editions and in some cases some quite risqué titles. In fact, some of the publications could leave you speechless.”

All of the books have been generously donated and checked to ensure the shop sells the very best of quality on the shelves.

“We have the most amazing selection of beautiful art books to suit all tastes.  Everything from American painter Jackson Pollock; a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement, to Gustav Klimt, one of the most influential figures in the Viennese secession movement.” Gavin told us.

Gavin with some of The Old Bank Bookshop team


Gavin began his career with Pilgrims as a volunteer back in 2010; he’s now a full-time member of Pilgrims Hospices staff managing The Old Bank Bookshop, Margate and Burgate Books, Canterbury.

Gavin said: “The Turner Prize for visual arts will bring many hundreds of visitors to enjoy Margate with its quirky shopping, interesting restaurants, bars and of course the Turner Contemporary gallery.

“We’re already meeting new art-loving customers who are visiting the Turner Contemporary and enjoying our amazing selection of specialist art.

“Pilgrims art festival will run throughout the year and will hopefully be able to offer visitors some interesting and varied art covers.

“We are a specialist second-hand book store and review our stock closely to ensure shoppers can purchase the best quality pre-loved books.”

Gavin with some of the art books on sale


Gavin manages his team of volunteers at The Old Book Shop Margate and Burgate Books, Canterbury; all of them are truly committed bookworms who love books and love to be part of the volunteer team supporting Pilgrims.

“All of the books are donated to the charity and sometimes from the most surprising sources, all books are individually priced from a few pounds upwards along with prints and paintings from £10. We hope you visit and enjoy our spectacular arts festival selections.” Gavin added.

Visit The Old Bank Bookshop at 17 The Parade, Margate CT9 1EY.

Telephone: 01843 220 239

Opening hours:

  • Monday to Saturday 10:00 am – 5.00 pm
  • Sunday 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

The store will close at 4:00 pm throughout the week and weekends when the clocks go back GMT.

You will receive a warm welcome at The Old Bank Bookshop from Gavin, his customer-friendly and very popular dog Ollie and the team of very knowledgeable volunteer bookworms.

Find out how you can volunteer at our shops

This year alone, Pilgrims Hospices has to raise £11 million through voluntary donations in order to run our full range of services. Money raised through events like these helps us to continue caring for local people at the end of their lives.