Pilgrims Advance Care Planning tools and services are available to help you work with your patient to plan for end of life and support them to live well in the moment.
A patient with a terminal illness may want the chance to think about what they would like should they become unable to make decisions themselves or they may wish to record their preferences for future care and treatment.
Advance Care Planning is an opportunity for all those involved in someones care – including their GP or Healthcare Professional or Pilgrims care team – to work with them and their family and friends to plan ahead.
Pilgrims Toolkit for Professionals includes a range of tools to assist you and your patients with advance care planning.
We run regular Advance Care Planning programmes for patients and their carers through our Therapy Centres Wellbeing and Social Programme which takes place in Canterbury, Ashford and Thanet.
We also run Advance Care Planning courses for east Kent Healthcare Professionals through our education centre based in Canterbury.
Click here for more information on the programme and find out more about Pilgrims referral process here.