Our education partnerships support us in being able to provide compassionate care to local people.
Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU)
We have a collaborative partnership with CCCU, delivering modules around end-of-life care on the foundation degree in Health and Social Care.
We also lecture on end-of-life care on the Paramedic Science BSc.
Kent and Medway Education Collaboration Partnership
We believe that everyone approaching the end of life has the right to the highest quality care and support, wherever they live, regardless of their condition.
We rely on a well-trained workforce who share our vision of delivering high-quality End of Life care to our community. Our commitment is to share our expertise to develop staff and services through teaching and education.
The Kent and Medway Education Collaboration was inspired and launched in response to unprecedented numbers of COVID-19-related deaths, and their impact on health and social care at the start of the pandemic.
It consists of Pilgrims Hospices, Heart of Kent Hospice and Ellenor Hospice, and Kent Community Health Foundation NHS Trust has developed additional training to develop the skills of all health and social care workers in end-of-life care. Previously, Commissioning Groups and Health Education England have supported the funding of education sessions on 11 different topics towards end-of-life care. We are hoping to have that funding extended for future sessions.
The main function of this group is to deliver virtual training for end-of-life care and bring awareness of the up-and-coming ReSPECT process that is going to be adopted and rolled out in the near future, regionally and nationally.
The aim of collaborative working with other end-of-life care providers to form the Kent & Medway education partnership has proven to be beneficial, not just for sharing resources, skills and knowledge, but for improving patient care towards end of life and dying.
Regionally, we also work closely with the Kent Surrey and Sussex education collaborative on similar projects, as and when required.