Not everyone wants to talk about what they are going through. It can help to talk about your worries and fears though if you choose to.
You might want to talk to your partner, family, or friends, or to a doctor, nurse, counsellor, or someone spiritual or religious.
Once you are referred to Pilgrims we offer free support to our patients through our own counselling and spiritual teams wherever you live in east Kent.
Your nurse can help you arrange this and you can choose to come to the hospice, we can visit you in your own home or we can arrange to talk by phone.
Our advice line for patients and families is open 24 hours a day and they can put you in touch with someone at the hospice if you need urgent support.
What to do if you feel you aren’t coping
Sometimes the feeling that you can't cope with your situation does not go away, and you may feel too low to be able to do any of the things you want to.
If this happens to you and these feelings persist, it may be helpful to talk to your doctor or a member of the Pilgrims team to see what else can be done to help.
Whether you're concerned about yourself or a loved one, these helplines can offer expert advice too: Samaritans offer confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair. Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline) Mental Health Matters also offer a free helpline, which is open 5pm – 9am, 24hrs weekends and bank holidays – the number of you are in Kent and Medway is 0800 107 0160.
24hr Pilgrims Hospices Advice Line - 01233 504133