Supporting your spiritual needs can be an important part of delivering care that helps you cope fully in your role as a carer – in mind and body.
Many people find they have deep questions about meaning and purpose when someone close to them is seriously ill.
You may find yourself struggling with feelings of guilt or anger, or asking why this is happening to your loved one.
There may be changes to personal relationships and your sense of identity too.
Grief can also affect us spiritually. Whether or not you identify with any religion or belief system, it can affect how we find meaning in life.
The Spiritual Care team at Pilgrims is here to support with all of these things. They work as part of the wider Pilgrims team to help you, and those close to you, to live well in every moment.
Who are the Spiritual Care team?
Each Pilgrims hospice has a Spiritual Care Lead. This is a specially trained member of the Pilgrims care team who is responsible for making sure each person’s spiritual needs are addressed. They are supported by trained Spiritual Care Volunteers on all of our sites.
Together, the Spiritual Care Team, offers help to patients and families with any spiritual matters they may have – whatever their beliefs.
Support for people of any religion or belief
The term ‘spirituality’ covers a wide range of belief systems, from membership of a faith community to following a more personal philosophy or lifestyle.
Our pastoral and spiritual care (often known as chaplaincy) is available for people who are religious and can equally be a source of support for people of any belief, where their deepest hopes and fears can be listened to and explored.
If you do not have a particular faith but feel you would like someone to talk to about Spiritual Matters then our Spiritual Care team will listen and support in an open and accepting way.
Quiet spaces and chapels
Each hospice has its own quiet space or chapel that is open for use at any time by all family members, carers and visitors. Each of these provides a beautiful space for prayer, thought or just somewhere to sit quietly as well as for services which take place there. It is possible to light candles there to represent prayers, wishes or memories.
Support on our wards and in Pilgrims Therapy Centres
For those who have a personal faith, or belong to a particular church or faith group, we offer the opportunity for prayer and sacraments. This is available in the hospice, at a Pilgrims Therapy Centre or in your own home.
For people staying on our wards or using our Therapy Centres there are also services available in our chapels, friends and family are welcome to attend too. These are informal services of no more than 30 minutes.
Your own clergy or faith leaders are also welcome to visit and to minister in the hospice at your request. We can contact them on your behalf if this helps.
Support at home
If you are looking after someone who is receiving Pilgrims care at home, in a care home, in a hospital or any community setting it is possible to arrange for them to see a Spiritual Care Lead through any member of Pilgrims staff who visit them at home or by ringing the hospice. Inpatients may well meet them on the ward or can request a visit via other staff – they are available to talk to about anything the patient wishes. This same support is extended to family, friends and carers who need support.
It is our hope and intention that each and every person who uses our services will feel supported physically, emotionally and spiritually.