You may feel like you're just doing your bit, but the support you give is vital.
We recognise that carers play an absolutely essential role in the journey of our patients, and we believe carers should be supported throughout.
We understand how this can sometimes affect you physically, emotionally and financially and it takes time to adjust and find ways of managing. We are here to help.
Our carers’ programmes and individual support packages are designed to support you with the practical and emotional issues you may experience in your caring role. The Pilgrims team is specially trained to support the whole family, including children and teenagers.
Our care does not end when someone dies, we are there for you throughout your journey.
Pilgrims Hospices, together with other east Kent service providers, has put together a helpful pack for carers.
How can I get a referral to Pilgrims for myself or someone close to me?
The first step to get a referral to Pilgrims Hospices is to talk to your GP or any Healthcare Professional involved in your care. They can help you consider if the service is right for you and your family.
All of our services are free for people in east Kent who are in the later stages of an incurable illness.
Click here for more information or call Pilgrims 24 hour advice line on 01233 504 133 to talk to us.
If you are a GP or Healthcare Professional reading this on behalf of someone in your care, click here to find out more about making a referral to Pilgrims.