Nick and Stephanie help bring fun, games and football to Pilgrims Hospices
Nick and Stephanie Marshall first knew of Pilgrims Hospices when they met our late founder, Ann Robertson.
Ann was a lay reader at their church, and through Tenterden’s social community, they crossed paths many times. One memorable occasion was a talk Ann gave about the work of Pilgrims Hospices – the charity she begun in 1982, to provide end-of-life care to the people of east Kent.
Later, the opportunity arose for Nick and Stephanie to be able to support a local charity, and they chose Pilgrims because they knew about the difference we make in the lives of those with life-limiting illness.
Speaking with the Fundraising team, they learned about Interactive Tables. These are mobile units with a 39″ touchscreen tablet with a variety of uses, including in-built calling functions, interactive games, and streaming apps. Having had careers that embraced communications in various forms, and with their personal interest in tech over recent years, this resonated with them and was a project they really wanted to support.
The Table has really changed everything for us, there’s nothing it can’t do! For the recent Euros matches, we set it up in the Bay for everyone to watch together.Laura, Senior Ward Sister
Part of our efforts to help people live well until their last moments, is looking at new ways we can improve their wellbeing. Thanks to Nick and Stephanie’s kind generosity, this is now a reality for our three hospices. The Tables are used every day by patients, staff and families alike, bringing everyone closer together.
Laura, Senior Ward Sister at the Canterbury hospice, said: “The Table has really changed everything for us, there’s nothing it can’t do! For the recent Euros matches, we set it up in the Bay for everyone to watch together. Everyone was waving their England flags and enjoyed the occasion as a community.”
Due to the diverse range of applications on the Tables, they have so many uses across our services. The Wellbeing team can set them up to break the ice, get people talking and start building trust with our patients.
For those staying on our wards, special moments can be shared with family and friends using the video call function.
We’ve also found that the Tables provide a light distraction for younger family members visiting loved ones at the hospices. With a variety of games and puzzles to play, it allows them to break away for a few minutes from what can be a strange environment. Memory games and crosswords also help keep our patients’ minds active, even when their bodies are not as strong.
Nick and Stephanie said: “It was great to see and appreciate the amazing versatility of the Interactive Table and to hear about the many different uses the hospice team has for the advanced technology. We are delighted to know that the Tables are playing a part in the wonderful care Pilgrims Hospices provides.”
For more information on Pilgrims Hospices’ Wellbeing Programme, visit, email [email protected] or call the Pilgrims Hospices Advice Line on 01233 504 133.