Pilgrims Hospices Lottery needs you!

Each year, Pilgrims Hospices Lottery generates in the region of £1.2 million; to achieve this significant amount, thousands of you have taken part in our weekly draw, bought scratch cards, superdraw draw tickets, gift vouchers and wedding favours.
Thank you!
We need your help
We have a big ambition to reach our goal of 25,000 members for 2025 and raise more money for these invaluable services. A single entry is still only £1 per week and you could win up to £20k!
To help us reach our target, please recommend us to friends and family; they will be very grateful when they win! Join if you are not already a member, or if you are did you know you can have more than one entry?
Just speak to your collector or call us on 01227 379 741. We hope you feel inspired to make a difference today.
We have been busy bees
Our dedicated team of Lottery Collectors have walked over 3,000 miles and handled over 8,000 subscriptions; we have processed over 192,000 payments and signed up 2,600 new entrants this year!
People helping people
People you know – friends, family, neighbours – and people you may never know, people you may never meet. Your membership means a great deal to them. We are all winners though; Lottery membership helps us to continue providing compassionate end of life care to thousands of patients and families each year.
A huge thanks to our many thousands of amazing members and army of helpers who are all totally dedicated to raising funds to keep our services available, free of charge, to those living with an incurable disease in east Kent.
Let’s get to the good part
Excellent news! From April 2023- March 2024, we paid out over £200,000 in prizes from our weekly draw to more than 5,500 lucky winners, more than a quarter of which was kindly donated back to Pilgrims Hospices.
Thank you, you really do make a difference.
Would you like to join?
If you’re not already a member and would like to join, please call 01227 379 741 or visit pilgrimshospices.org/lottery. You could be on our winners map soon!
We will telephone you if you have a big win.
With warm wishes,
Shiralee, Pilgrims Hospices Lottery Manager, and the Lottery team