1 March 2022

Make a Will Month celebrates tenth year of supporting hospice care

In April and May 2022, seven solicitor firms across east Kent are generously giving their time and expertise to write or update Wills, in exchange for donations to Pilgrims Hospices.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the hospice charity’s Make a Will Month scheme, normally held in February, which has raised over £170,000 for hospice care. For 2022, appointments will be available throughout April and May* for those who wish to make or amend Single or Mirror Wills.

We’ve heard first-hand just how invaluable the work of Pilgrims really is. Many clients choose to support them when drafting their Wills, so we are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to show our support too!

Zara King, Stilwell & Singleton

Ellie Cane, Individual Giving Officer, said:

“We’re delighted to say that we are building on the previous success of this appeal by welcoming two new solicitor firms for Make a Will Month 2022. Martin Tolhurst in Ashford, and Stilwell & Singleton in Deal, Dover and Sandwich have joined us to help more people in east Kent get their Will made.”

One of the many lessons the COVID-19 pandemic has taught is the importance of being prepared for the unexpected, and part of this is ensuring you have a Will in place so you have the reassurance of knowing your wishes will be fulfilled after you’ve gone.

Ellie added: “I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the firms that have supported Pilgrims over the last ten years by partnering with us for Make a Will Month, and encourage everyone in east Kent to take this chance to make or update their Will whilst supporting their local hospice.”

Your Will is such an important document and there can be no doubt it is worth doing it properly. Making an appointment with one of our experts is a great way to donate to a crucial local charity and receive something of significant benefit to you and your family in return.

Simon Crooks, Boys & Maughan Solicitors

There are seven solicitor firms taking part in Make a Will Month 2022:

Suggested donations are £150 for a straightforward single Will, or £250 for an uncomplicated double Will. Those taking part are also welcome to donate more if they choose. An additional charge will be agreed with the chosen solicitor for a more complex Will.

*Participating month may differ from firm to firm; please check with firms directly.

For more information, including a full list of participating solicitors and their contact details, visit pilgrimshospices.org/makeawill.

Please contact your preferred firm directly to make an appointment. 

Each year, Pilgrims Hospices give care and comfort to over 2,500 people in east Kent who are coming to terms with an illness that sadly cannot be cured. The charity support patients to live life as well as possible until the very end, free from pain and distress.