25 April 2017

Pilgrims colour dash by director of nursing

Wendy Hills, Pilgrims Hospices Director of Nursing and Care Services has taken the challenge and joined forces with family and friends to take part in the Thanet 5K Colour Run next month.

The 5K colour extravaganza will take place at the Oval, Cliftonville on Sunday 14 May where 100’s of excited colour runners, joggers and walkers will start with a blast of colour and then continue through an explosion of colourful paint stations along the route to raise funds for hospice care in east Kent.

It really appeals to my sense of fun.

Wendy told us: “I wanted to get involved as soon as I heard about this brilliant Pilgrims fundraising event, it really appeals to my sense of fun.   I have involved my family and friends and we are really looking forward getting coloured blasted.

“I have been steadily training to reach my 5K goal and I’ve actually really enjoyed it. Some of my nursing team will be taking part too and I’ve been encouraging as many as possibly to get involved, we will be laughing all the way.”

Dare devil Wendy took part in Pilgrims Firewalk last year and enjoys a challenge, especially one she can share with colleagues. Andrew Thorns, Pilgrims Medical Director who will be volunteering at a paint station on the day said: “It’s great to see so many supporters have signed up for the event already, I’m really looking forward to being part of the powder paint explosions on the day.”

“The care provided by Pilgrims Hospices is a vital part of our community, as a nurse I see first hand how supporters efforts make a difference to patients and families in our care. Every penny raised will help us to provide care to all who need it both within the hospices and at home.” said Wendy.

It’s a fantastic way to raise funds for Pilgrims.

Theresa Samworth, Pilgrims Fundraising Manager said: “Whether you want to walk run or jog through our brightly coloured powder paint clouds, it’s a fantastic way to raise funds for Pilgrims. We would love you to come and join us for this family friend event. There will be loads of photo opportunities, refreshments, a raffle with great prizes and of course you will all receive your well deserved ‘colour run’ medal as a thank you for your support.”

Early Bird registration is open now until 7 May, even if you miss Early Bird you can still register on the day!

You can join in the fun, just click here to register.

On the day

Registration from: 9am – you will need to check in on the day, we recommend that due to high numbers of participants you get there early.

You’ll be given your white tshirt, powder paint and glasses at registration on the day, along with a running number. Fancy dress is optional but always encouraged!

Event Starts at: 11.30am

You can download a sponsorship form or set up a Just Giving page at: www.justgiving.com or Text to Donate to: CRUN17 £5 to 70070 (or specify the amount of your choice)

For more information contact Karen Kenward by: [email protected] or call 01843 233 934