Good for the planet and good for Pilgrims patients

Vertical farming specialists GrowUp are donating fresh salad vegetables from their range of produce to Pilgrims Hospices kitchens. The regular supply of healthy fresh leaves is definitely a winner with patients and staff, who’s meals are catered for across the hospice sites each day.
Ian Ashton Pilgrims Hospices Catering Services Manager explained: “I’d seen a TV programme about local producers, and innovative methods of growing fresh produce. I’m always interested to meet local companies who produce high-quality ingredients; offering healthy and nutritious meals is an important part of Pilgrims’ care.
“GrowUp is not only producing high-quality salad leaves, but also demonstrating sustainable and efficient farming practices. This environmentally friendly approach aligns with the goal of creating a more sustainable and responsible food system, in which Pilgrims are investing time and efforts to be an integral part.
“It really piqued my interest and after some super sleuthing, I managed to contact Kate Hofman, Founder and Chief Brand Officer of GrowUp Farms, in order to open a conversation about them supporting Pilgrims with their produce.
“Fantastic news, we now collect around 120 packs of donated salad leaves every Friday from GrowUp! Their regular donations are contributing to nutritious meals for patients, which can have a positive impact on their wellbeing and comfort during their stay.
Donations from local providers, helps the catering teams to allocate their resources more efficiently, and focus on providing exceptional meals, that have a positive impact and make a difference in the lives of those wo need it most.
Pilgrims volunteer drivers collect the donated produce in chiller vans, along with stock from Thanet Earth, as part of the regular supply to our kitchens. I’m pleased to say with their support we’re able to offer healthy salad options for both painters and staff throughout the whole week.
Vertical farming is very much a long-term solution to the problems we have seen recently caused by climate change and issues with supply chains. The local business is powered by 100% renewable energy producing.
A huge thank you to our amazing contributors.
Each year Pilgrims Hospices give care and comfort to thousands of people in east Kent who are coming to terms with an illness that sadly cannot be cured. The charity support patients to live life as well as possible until the very end, free from pain and distress.