The annual Paws 4 Pilgrims fundraising dog walk will take place on Sunday 29 March in Deal. Tara Baltera from Margate with her daughter Lily are taking part, they will be walking Wally, the 5-year-old Dalmatian on the 5km walk along Deal’s beautiful coastline.
The gorgeous spotty dog is a rescue dog from Dalmatian Welfare and belongs to Tara’s friend Paul who will be joining them for their Sunday morning stroll to support end-of-life care within the local community.
By supporting our event you are helping to raise important funds and to help people to live well in every moment.
Karen Kenward, Pilgrims Hospices
Tara said: “We don’t have a dog ourselves and Lily loves dogs; we often take Wally out for walks, she’s wonderful company and enjoys lots of exercise, so it’s good for all of us.
Lily and Wally
“We enjoy supporting local good causes and this particular event is always such a lovely day. We always stay for the dog show after the walk and have a number of rosettes to show for it! Lily enjoyed winning dog most like its owner.”
Lily and Wally at Paws 4 Pilgrims
The walk takes the dogs and their walking buddies along the Deal coastline towards Walmer before returning. After the walk, there’s a fun dog show with lots of classes for furry friends to take part in. Could your dog be the ‘fastest sausage catcher’?
Come along and watch, there will be refreshments and stalls to enjoy too, it’s a great day out for the whole family.
Karen Kenward, Pilgrims Community Fundraising Manager at the Thanet hospice said: “It will be great to see Wally and her friends again this year. There are lots of our regular Paws 4 Pilgrims supporters registered and many new to the event too.
“By supporting our event you are helping to raise important funds and to help people to live well in every moment.”
You can register to take part here or come along and register on the day.
Event information
8.30am: Registration opens
10.30am – 12pm: 5k walk along the Deal coastal route
12pm – 3.30pm: Fun dog and agility shows
Entry prices
Early bird entry (closes 15/03/2020)
12 years and over: £8 / 11 years and under: £4 / Family: £20*
Standard entry (closes 22/03/2020) and on the day entry
12 years and over: £10 / 11 years and under: £6 / Family: £30*
* Family entry includes two people of 12 years and over plus two people of 11 years and under.
Fun dog and agility shows
There will be a fun dog and agility show after the walk, which dogs can be entered into for £2 per class or £1 per class for those who have entered the walk.
Each year Pilgrims supports hundreds of local people coping with a life-limiting illness and their families. The charity offers a range of services; from care on its wards, in people’s own homes and through the Wellbeing Programme held in Pilgrims Therapy Centres.
27th February 2020
Family fun coastal dog walk for pawsome volunteering family
Regular Pilgrims Hospices volunteer Ginny Taylor along with family and friends have signed up to walk the Paws 4 Pilgrims sponsored dog walk on Sunday 29 March. Ginny is most often found cooking up a storm for a wide variety of the hospice’s events; producing cakes, savouries and many scrumptious culinary delights, all to support fundraising events for her chosen charity. On this occasion she’s swapping her apron and kitchen equipment for dog leads and treats for her four-legged friends.
Ginny took part in the fun 5-kilometre dog walk along the beautiful Deal coastline last year and told us: “We had a wonderful time last year, we’ve signed up to take part again this year. I’m walking with my husband, daughter, granddaughter and family friends; Sam and her daughter, Ebony. It’ll be a real family affair and we really can’t wait.
“I really appreciate all of the hard work the hospice care team provide for our local community and, my family have been personally touched by Pilgrims Hospices support several times. I’m very pleased to be helping to raise awareness and sponsorship to help.”
The Paws 4 Pilgrims walk is a fantastic event that everyone can take part in and enjoy.
Ginny Taylor
Between them the family will have three waggy dog tails and, seven pairs of keen supporter legs; they are all ready to join hundreds of others who will embark on the popular annual event.
“Deal is very pretty, the walk was fantastic last year; the sun shone and our dogs, Buddy, Ralph and Tilly loved taking part in the fun dog show, with Ralph winning a 3rd place rosette in the cutest puppy competition.” she added.
You can register to take part in Paws 4 Pilgrims here.
Karen Kenward, Pilgrims Community Fundraising Manager said: “By supporting this fun dog walk, you’re helping to support people within our community who need specialist palliative care; both within the hospices and at home. Don’t forget you do not need a dog to join the walk.
“Thank you Ginny for joining in with the fun again this year, we anticipate lots of laughter and a lot love and affection for the dogs who are walking for Pilgrims. We look forward to seeing you there.”
Ginny said: “The Paws 4 Pilgrims walk is a fantastic event that everyone can take part in and enjoy. Whether you are an experienced walker or just enjoy a gentle stroll with your pet pooch, it’s so pretty and the dogs will have much fun with all of their new-found furry friends.”
If you or someone you know is coping with a life limiting illness and you think you may benefit from Pilgrims support, talk to your GP or Healthcare Professional about the options or click here to read about our Wellbeing Programme.
25th February 2019
Daisy and Jimmy’s paw-fect walk for grandma Pauline
Daisy Nicholls Delo (11) from Margate and her pet pug Jimmy will take part in Paws 4 Pilgrims, a fun sponsored walk for Pilgrims Hospices, on Sunday 24 March 2019. The pair are walking in memory of Daisy’s grandma, Pauline Georgina Nicholls, who received care from the local hospice charity after she was diagnosed with liver cancer.
Pauline was from Westgate and worked for many years as a pharmacy assistant. She was a loving and family-orientated woman who always put others before herself. Her daughter and Daisy’s mum, Kirsty Nicholls (47), said: “Mum was devoted to raising my sister Michele and I, then when her grandchildren came along she dedicated her life to them. She really was the best mum.”
Pauline with her grandchildren Callum (24), Daisy (11) and Ruby (12)
Pauline was initially diagnosed with liver cancer in July 2017. She had chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment and was doing well, but sadly the cancer spread to her bones and became incurable. It was then that Pilgrims stepped in to help Pauline and her family. She was taken into the Margate hospice on 5 October 2018 and passed away six days later, aged 72. Kirsty said: “Mum wasn’t doing great when she arrived at the hospice, but she received the most amazing treatment and care. Pilgrims made her last week pain and stress-free and we will be forever grateful.
“The support we’ve experienced from Pilgrims as a family has been unbelievable; they helped Daisy through a really tough time, and my sister still receives their help now. Whenever she goes to the hospice the nurses and volunteer receptionists stop to ask how she’s doing, they always make time to talk.”
The support we’ve experienced from Pilgrims as a family has been unbelievable; they helped Daisy through a really tough time, and my sister still receives their help now.
Kirsty Nicholls
Daisy and Jimmy are taking part in the charity’s sponsored walk along the Deal coastline to say thank you, and to help other people who need Pilgrims’ care in the future. Family and friends will be supporting them on the day. Kirsty added: “Pilgrims means a lot to our family because they helped my mother through the last part of her life. She was only in the hospice for a short time, but the care she received was perfect and we are eternally grateful.”
Karen Kenward, Community Fundraising Manager, said: “We are looking forward to welcoming Daisy and her pooch Jimmy after they won a free entry into our Paws 4 Pilgrims event through our Christmas competition last year. I am sure they will be looking to win much more in the fun dog show, too, that follows after the walk. There are 12 classes to choose from, including Fastest Sausage Catcher to Dog with the Most Sparkiest Eyes. Daisy has already raised £165 through JustGiving to help provide palliative care for the next person who needs Pilgrims’ vital support. What an amazing gift. Thank you.”
You can sponsor Daisy and Jimmy by visiting their JustGiving page.
Feeling inspired to join Daisy and Jimmy on this fun 5k walk?
Paws 4 Pilgrims takes place on Sunday 24 March in Deal. Sign up at by 5pm on Monday 4 March to save with our Early Bird offer of just £10 per entry. All entries include one person and one dog. There’s no minimum sponsorship; dogs are asked to use their puppy dog eyes to raise as much sponsorship as they can!
If you or someone you know is coping with a life limiting illness and you think you may benefit from Pilgrims support, talk to your GP or Healthcare Professional about the options or click here for information about our Wellbeing and Social Programme.
22nd February 2019
How much is that doggie in the window?
The shop windows of Pilgrims Hospices shop on the High Street in Deal are dressed to support the Paws 4 Pilgrims sponsored dog walk that’s taking place on Sunday 24 March.
Jenny Byrne, Pilgrims Retail Manager East, and shop volunteers Doreen Whalley and Ann Needleship have gathered all things doggie to create a fun window display to encourage dog owners to sign up and walk the 5km charity fundraising walk along the beautiful coastal route to raise money for Pilgrims care.
Jenny said: “There’s a brilliant selection of donated items in the window displays, we really hope to make visitors to our shop smile.
“We have wonderful shoppers who use our store regularly along with many day trippers who are picking up a bargain while visiting the seaside town of Deal.
“It’s a lovely opportunity to share the news of this fun fundraising event, especially as it’s happening in our own town. We hope to encourage lots more people to sign-up and join in with the event and raise important funds for people who need our help the most.”
The Deal shop is open from Monday thru Saturday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm: “We are full to the brim with some beautiful pre-loved clothing, trinkets, books, curiosities and lots more, please come and visit us. So why not ‘paws’ for a moment, and come in and browse.” added Jenny.
Did you know that Pilgrims Hospices has over 30 shops in east Kent? Your donations and purchases make a huge contribution to Pilgrims Hospices charity; allowing the care team to support over 2,400 each year on hospices wards in the hospices in Ashford, Canterbury and Thanet as well and within the community and in peoples own homes.
If you or someone you know is coping with a life-limiting illness and you think you may benefit from Pilgrims support, talk to your GP or Healthcare Professional about the options or visit Wellbeing and Social Programme.
26th February 2018
Ella and Pal stroll out for Pilgrims
Ella Williams from Canterbury and her gorgeous two-year-old black Labrador, Pal, will join Pilgrims Hospices Paws 4 Pilgrims fun 5K dog walk on Sunday 25 March. Ella and her puppy friend are taking part in loving memory of three very special people who all spent time in the care of nurses at Pilgrims Hospice Canterbury. The pair have already raised more than £250 to help others who need Pilgrims care in the local area.
Hundreds of supporters and their canine buddies have already signed up to raise important funds for Pilgrims by walking the beautiful coastal route in Deal, followed by a fun dog show.
The hospice exceeded our family expectations; we could not have asked for anything more. We received such high quality care before, during and after all three experiences and will always be grateful.
Ella is remembering:
John Michael Choules
After being diagnosed with COPD, Grandpa Mike sadly passed away on 20 March 2017 and spent his last few hours at Pilgrims Hospice Canterbury. The staff at the hospice spent time with my nan and helped a lot with aftercare, which was much appreciated.
Kenneth George Williams
After a long battle with kidney cancer, Grandpa Ken passed away on 18 August 2017 and spent his final week in the care of the lovely nurses at Pilgrims Hospice Canterbury. A special mention to the nurse who my nan fondly remembers as ‘Mrs Chatter Box’ who helped all of us, but especially my nan, through this time.
Susan Clare Garcia-Rodriguez
Sue sadly passed away due to breast cancer on 9 September 2012 and spent time in Pilgrims Hospice Canterbury, where the nurses provided amazing care and support. Our much loved and very close family friend is still dearly missed and fondly remembered six years on.
Ella said: “I really didn’t know much about hospice care until our close family friend, Sue, spent time there; I then found out more when my grandads also received Pilgrims care.
“The hospice exceeded our family expectations, we could not have asked for anything more. We received such high quality care before, during and after all three experiences and will always be grateful.”
Ella is hoping to raise at least £360 for Pilgrims. She explained: “Pal is just full of energy and will love sharing a Sunday walk with lots of other dogs and their families. We will be walking with my partner Andrew, my brother Josh and my sisters Tas and Tasha – and hopefully my mum Steph, too.
“Pal especially loves a tennis ball and I’m sure she’s going to enjoy taking part in the fun dog events after the sponsored walk.”
Kate Duddell, Pilgrims Fundraising Manager said: “We hope even more people will join us for our special Sunday stroll; you can even join in the walk without a dog. Why not come along and have your face painted as a doggy character and sponsor yourself for a few pounds?
“The dog show starts at 12pm, and a variety of stalls and catering will be available. It will be great fun to watch the dogs doing their best to impress the judges in the Best Sausage Catcher competition, amongst others.”
Ella told us this is her first Pilgrims fundraising event and hopes it will be one of many to help such a worthy local charity. Sign up here to join Ella and Pal on the day. If you’d like to sponsor Ella and Pal visit Ella’s Just Giving page. Any donations, big or small, will be much appreciated.
Pilgrims is a charity providing palliative care free of charge to people in east Kent. For people with a range of life-limiting illnesses, specialist services are provided from our three sites in Canterbury, Ashford and Thanet, in patients’ homes and in the community. We offer a range of services, from end of life care given on our wards to our new Wellbeing and Social Programmesupporting people after they are diagnosed to live well and stay independent. Only 25% of the funding we receive comes from the government.
21st February 2018
Ralph puts his best paw forward for Pilgrims
Ralph the gorgeous three-year-old Shih Tzu-Bichon Frise cross and his owner, Megan Bell, will join Pilgrims Hospices brand new sponsored dog walk Paws 4 Pilgrims in Deal on Sunday 25 March. They will walk the 5K coastal route in memory of Megan’s dad, Frankie Bell, who was cared for at Pilgrims Hospice Thanet. With the support of her family and friends, Megan has already raised more than £800 for vital care for even more local people.
Megan, who is 25 and works as an hotel receptionist at Pegwell Bay Hotel in Ramsgate, said: “Dad was only 58 years old when he was cared for by Pilgrims; he and Ralph were great pals and often shared walks together before he became ill. We are very proud to take part in his memory.”
Megan told us: “Ralph is full of fun. We are really looking forward to the walk, it’s such a beautiful place and if people don’t know the area very well, it’s really worth a visit. It’s a wonderful place for a doggy walk, and I’m looking forward to seeing lots of doggy pals for Ralph to walk with and enjoying the dog events after the walk.
“Dad was cared for at Pilgrims Hospice Thanet in November 2016. During his time there, he was treated with the most amazing love and care. I cannot thank the wonderful staff enough for everything they did for Dad and our family. I want to raise as much money as I can for people who need care in the future. The hospice was a happy place for us, and Dad said it was just like a hotel.
Dad was cared for at Pilgrims Hospice Thanet in November 2016. During his time there, he was treated with the most amazing love and care.
“I really admire the work the nurses and doctors put in day and night to ensure all their patients get the best quality care that they deserve. They really made my dad feel at home during his stay there; they also welcomed our family with open arms. Ralph visited Dad at the hospice every day and even knew which room to find him in. He also enjoyed going to visit the other patients, and made friends with volunteers who often had treats for him.”
You can help Megan to raise even more funds for Pilgrims by sponsoring Ralph on Megan’s Just Givingpage. A small donation of just £1 can help make a huge difference to those who need Pilgrims care the most.
I will be forever grateful to Pilgrims, I thank them from the bottom of my heart.
Megan said: “I will be forever grateful to Pilgrims, I thank them from the bottom of my heart.”
Each year Pilgrims supports hundreds of local people coping with a life limiting illness and their families. The charity offers a range of services: from end of life care given on its wards, to its new Wellbeing and Social Programme supporting people after they are diagnosed to live well and stay independent.